A Northern Colorado for All of Us

As a parent, grandparent, small business owner and community volunteer, I want to make Northern Colorado better for everyone. What do you want to see? Tell me here.
For the past 34 years I’ve helped government agencies in 22 states use technology to save taxpayers money. As your Representative, I’ll keep working hard to save you money too.
As a concerned citizen I’ve fought to hold big companies and government leaders accountable when their actions harm our health, safety, environment or hurt our local farms or businesses.
When I think about policies, I ask, “Who really benefits?” We must always defend against the influence of big money.

I listen to all sides, keep an open mind, and work to find common ground solutions. I can’t fix everything, but I promise to bring these values to Denver on your behalf.
While I am a Democrat, my focus is on representing all our community’s needs. Having a Representative who is in the majority will be new for our district. I’ll ensure all our community has a voice at the Capitol.
Our district is a center of innovation in agriculture, energy, technology and more.
Let’s keep it going and work together to build a better future for everyone!